
Geartown Turbo: deck recipe [Jan 11]

whats with the "missing activation time" message that I get sometimes when I destroy Geartown ?
<< Anonymous
Geartown field spell will miss timing if it was destroyed on chain 2 and higher.
Because some other trap or spell was chained after it. So it couldn't activate its effect in the graveyard. It's a weird rule.
<< Anonymous
It's not really weird, it's just the way effects are worded. If the card states "when" in its effect, it can miss timing because the effect can only resolve the exact moment the condition happens. Also it wouldn't miss timing if another effect was chained since it would still be Chain Link 1 and the chain is always resolved backwards.
<< Anonymous
As Chain Link 2 or higher it would miss timing. Fortress on the other hand states that "if" it is destroyed, not specifying an exact moment, thus it can't miss timing.
<< Anonymous
"When" is not always miss timing. "When" can miss timing if followed by "you can"...... But card like gravekeeper's recruiter, atlantean heavy infantry, atlantean marksman never miss timing and the text says "when" because this is mandatory effect not followed by "you can"....
Ah yeah, the classic " can" issue


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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