
How to beat/farm Officer Tetsu Trudge Lvl40

no skills required
the problem is that blue dragon may be put in defense position and destroyed, but the win rate may be high enough despite this problem
<< Anonymous
If you summon BEWD before he synchros the 2800 atk goyo he'll never switch you to def. If you're slow you have to attack into the 2800, usually costing you 1 BEWD. I have an absurd win rate though, and this is very rare.
<< Anonymous(scrub)
Dave Fz
I was using a similar deck, and he DOES CHANGEyou sometimes to defense with jutte fighter, first 5-6 times he didn't but last time he did, but being carefull thats not much a problem and i'm using a rabiddragon too
<< Anonymous(Dave Fz)
He'll only change you if Goyo Guardian is on the field before you play BEWD. You have to attack the guardian and hope to get rid of it.
Cool I was just looking for a version with no character skill *.*
Easy 7000 pts thanks.
Just what I was looking for ! easy 8000 points since I have 3 prismatic blue dragon summoners lol


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Was heavy metal king an actual card in the anime? I always thought that the guy who used it just ...
You could use this site for duels in the past???
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