
32nd Main Box: Infinite Ray

Seriously, this box just made noble knights meta, people keep destroying the whole tier list with them.
They were tiered even before this box, weren't they? If so then this box didn't change anything
Well.. this box do strenghen NK a lot, especially for those f2p build who only run 1 structure deck
<< Anonymous
F2P can't build NK deck. it's a wste of gems to build a deck that run only 1 OF EACH XYZ and 1 MERLIN, so don't wast ur gems.
Someone has a point
<< Anonymous
Say that to f2p youtuber. Really means that.
<< Anonymous
Dude f2p youtuber is close to a fraud, those builds don't actually work legend or platinum. Haven't you noticed how he/she only shows replays winning? Or how whenever he/she posts his/her KoG deck it is never a f2p version?
<< Anonymous
If you look closely, most of their winning replays are either they played 1st turn or their opponent didn't disrupt their 2nd turn plays (with Fiendish Chain, Floodgate, etc)
<< Anonymous
yep, yugitubers very rarely shows their losses. Especially if they actually have more losses than wins.

Same with poketubers, really.
NK is already back to meta even before this box, though.
<< Anonymous
Cybertron does show his losses. His videos are generally to show his though process as he makes his move.

NK can work off 1 structure but you need 3 medraut and go by the spell specialist version. You also need to get some other rank 5s like volcosaurus.
<< Anonymous
I never heard of him/her. I'll go check out the channel
damn dude


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