none! during 2017 2018 climb from rookie to KoG was more easy I remember in rookie bronze silver and gold you face 90% times stupid decks like 30 cards with random cards
but now if you climb since Rookie u can face Dark Magician Cyber Dragon red eyes and another other strong decks since bronze maybe rookie LOL that like CRazy.. dkayed make the netdeckers revolution(or apocalipse)
Legend % is to much work just to hit KOG, To me it feels as i can invest 40 bucks and become kog, is not fun anymore....
to many whales and decks that literally rely on skill
90 percent of decks that hit kog early on use Sealed Tombs which is a skill or Sorcery which o wait is a skill....lets use a more skillfull deck...cyber dragons o wait it uses zane skill....skill...skill..skill...skill
You seem like you are playing the wrong game then. Skills are cool, in fact I wish more archetypes would rely on specific skills for them like in the real life speed duels. If you don't like them play a normal yugioh game.