hello, I have 2 ties of the brethren, and two geargiattackers along with 3 pulse mines and every other standard card for this deck. Should I spend gems to get my third when I only have 37 packs left in the box or is having 2 fine? Also, should i get a 3rd Ties of the Brethren with a box that has 177 packs left?
Many geargia players like 3rd ties, as it will make it more consistent to start. I am f2p and got kog with just 2 ties. In duel links that is a lot of copy and pasting. Just understand how to play against the current meta decks like sylvans, mask heroes and now cyber angel grit. put in cards that u will feel will beat those decks, is how to be successful.
I'm running 3 geargiattacker, 3 anchors, and 3 arsenals, 2 Ties of Brethren, 1 enemy controller, 2 chalice, 3 pulse mines, 1 canadia, 1 Desert Sunlight, 1 curse of anubis. Should I replace a card for floodgate? Should I add a different Geargia? (also, im the guy who posted the comment.
I think flootgate is better than desert sunlight and better than canada.
Replace them with flootgate and but one more enemy controller your deck well be 21 card with restarts
Chalice and ultimate prov/divine wrath. is what I used to tech in. For dessert sunlight, I will only use if you have 3 ties. I also find super rush or mirror wall really effective since those mask hero players will almost always swing into your monster. You just have to hope they dont have few more mask changes.
When i was in legend 3 i lose 3 game to sylvan with absolute luck and then i fall to legend 2 then i win 10 game 3 of them was sylvan and 4 of them was mask
damn, you must just be a better player than me because I just can't make it to Legend 3. If you'd like to add me then it would be cool to duel you haha. my name is GenghisKant