
Structure Deck EX: Stardust Nexus

The real bait is the free prismatic Shooting Star Dragon, which induce us to buy this structure in order to summon an useless card. Only an idiot would buy this structure but, if I can do, I do.

I am one such idiot.

But I love Stardust Dragon and Yusei Fudo...
You know some people play this game for fun not for the reta rded boring meta play. So i don't think if someone buy this deck is an idiot. I know its not great, still i want to have fun duels and love to collect cards.
<< Anonymous
I don't play meta, mostly because it's too p2w and I like building fun anime decks.
Not even bait if some of us who enjoy the game and arent such a sweaty red named tryhard who spends hundreds of dollars on a game where you can literally just play normally. And yeah Im an idiot for wanting to spend my gems on this. Imagine calling people idiots for spending virtual currency for virtual cardboard. Oh the tragedy.
<< Anonymous(LeodredAQW)
"I don't play meta"
"I like building fun anime decks"
You are saying that if is not meta isn't premium? Anime/nostalgia decks are the most expensive of the game
Considering how meta Shooting Star Road decks are, I'd say OP's post doesn't age well
You know, looking at how shooting star being summoned is already enough reason for some of us to play this deck. Junk converter might be even more necessary when shooting quasar released some day.
Playing rogue deck has its own excitement, especially if you beat META
<< Anonymous
Rogue? Shooting Star Road is pretty much meta right now
<< Anonymous
^Meta? Seriously? What is META anyway? Seems like my definition of META kinda distorted becasue of this comment
<< Anonymous
it's rouge because it's not tiered. This deck is the same rouge as Yosenju, Magnet, Triamid .etc

One would agrue that rouge are also Meta. Sure, if your Meta include all top deck rouge above then yes. If your Meta only including tier 3 above then no.
<< Anonymous
They are tiered. There are 12 tiered decks from tier 1 to tier 3 based on the current japanese tier list. Keep in mind that this game was developed by a japanese company. When they make a new banlist they will only refer to the japanese tier list not DLM or any other english tier list.
<< Anonymous
Yosenju is a tier 2. BE, Junk & Triamids are all tier 3.
<< Anonymous
Nice try sneaking triamid there, triamid gained relevance only for like 15 days and that happened 4 months ago
<< Anonymous
Bunch of lame people trust the DLM banlist so much. People should learn from the Japanese and see how people play. The Japanese tier list is not influence by tournaments with own rules. There is no such thing as a side deck in this game until Komoney officially approves it.
<< Anonymous
But the one making the banlists is konami dlm nor any other has anything to do with it
<< Anonymous
Yeah, but Konami HQ is based in Japan. They are mostly Japanese people and they will only refer to their own community for opinion before they implement the banlist.
<< Anonymous
Krapnami doesn't care about global opinions. They only listen to their own community in Japan. If they say jack is can cer then this dog shi t company will ban it without hesitation.
<< Anonymous
yes stop playing this dog sh-it game then
<< Anonymous
good that they only care about japanese opinion, global opinion from dkayed is just a shi t when they refuse to organize tournament based on official rules
<< Anonymous
Yeah yeah whatever you keep playing anyways so stop ba rking and grind your daily 1k gold


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