Really hope they ban or limit cyber stein on ranked duel this season. Cyber stein with ojama king is just stupid and way too easy to use with 5k starting lp.
Rofl thanks sherlock, of course you need more than 5k lp. That’s why you use lp boost alpha or something. This deck was already degenerate enough when it relied on lp boost beta.
You have zero skill as duelist running this gimmick deck. Konami has not limit or ban this troll of a deck. I hope they finally get rid of it. Honestly just limit it to 1 or ban it.
Only way I can see to stop this deck in DL would be to Limited 1 both Cyber-Stein and Ojama King. That way both of them cannot be used on the same deck, killing the deck without actually killing the usage of either card.