It's a worse Gyokkou/Night Beam. The burn effect's really only ever going to happen against super-backrow-heavy decks like stall. (Which isn't really going to care about taking 800 Damage if they're hitting you with a Drowning or something.)
It's not limited to one per turn, it can be used several times if you are playing a burn deck. You can pick the card back from the Graveyard to your hand, there are many ways to do so. Then you attack with any monster, if your opponent dares to activate the remaining cards... omg, there will be a lot of damage.
Next time check your facts before commenting a card, you piece of ignorant mule.
- dead card when the opponent never put more than 1 S/T on the field
- "prevent activation" and "inflict damage" effects both applies only for one turn, on the next turn your opponent is free from all of this card's effects
Subterrors often put 3 traps on the field, they are really popular in the ladder. This card can be "very good", yes, even if it's situational. It would 🔥 all weevils lol