

It would be cool to get: masked dragon, light and darkness dragon, lightning vortex, light end and dark end dragon. If Konami can rediscover the kind of generosity they had back when they gave out amazoness princess during the last Elegant Mai event...
LV is a TTH just as spell(with additional cost). Like a Raigeki with cost.
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
What does TTH stand for?
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Two Trapped Helperdestruction. Or other said: Treacherous Trap hole.
Kill 2 target monster.
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
Thanks. They probably won't give us this card, but I like to think that it might be posdible someday since it can be used with Pegasus' creator skill at least.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
*possible (I hate google keyboard).
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Problem I see is with TTH+LV = double stress for opponent to get more than 2 monsters on the field...

But that's my opinion.
Light End and Dark End are printed as Synchro monsters, though. Despite being GX manga cards.

Don't ask me how or why, ask Konami.
<< Anonymous
I believe he wanted them to be Synchros in the manga itself as well, but was turned down. (Presumably because they'd be out of place.)
All I want is Light and Darkness Dragon...I'd be so happy. All this Ojama support makes me doesn't help that the Ojama King mat is the ugliest mat we have available. I will farm them with the upmost lack of interest! :v
<< Anonymous(Saladfingers)
Since they didn't show his "No more ojamas" quote this time, I figured this might happen. I've heard that some people are really happy about these rewards and excited about getting an anime exclusive card, so that is nice. But I don't have any use for these cards. Super Aster would have been 100 times better than this, imo.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Yeah, Aster or even a Jaden would have been better. I'll probably try something out, but a 30 card limit is a bit tight to mesh Armed Dragons with Ojama.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Super Aster would be a waste of an event. He has no acceptable cards that would be a good reward other than Vision HERO Adoration. (Kinda wish they had held back the Vision HERO stuff and Phantom Magician FOR an Aster event.)

A Jaden event's overdue, agreed. But I'm fine with Chazz events, especially if we get some of his Ojama stuff, since a lot of it's pretty good, and we barely have any of it.
<< Anonymous
Are you saying that dragoon, dystopia, clock tower prison, the phoenix enforcers, dreadmaster, dunker, d-shield, d-counter, etc. are unacceptable cards? Or by unnacceptable, do you mean too strong?
<< Anonymous(Valencia )
Tea lover
Strong cards are not necessary healthy for the game. It affected game balance which escalate certain decks to dominate. It required other similar strong or stronger decks to compete against it. The level just get higher and higher, making normal decks no chance to compete. A good card can be interesting but must not be overwhelming. Think about that.
<< Anonymous(Tea lover)
Somehwat true, we need Konami to either ban all strong cards, or force them to make great cards for all archetypes while tracking their balancing so no one deck dominates
<< Anonymous(Yang)
Then we will truly have created a new generation of Duel Monsters- where pure skill, not meta decks and money are the winning factors. The current formats support meta most of the time, and they discourage creativity characteristic of the characters of the anime and manga
<< Anonymous(Yang)
The question is; does Konami want to have pure money or fulfill its promises to make the game great for everyone like in the anime and manga? I'd like Konami to answer...
<< Anonymous(Tea lover)
I do understand where you are coming from. But it has been almost a year since GX now and Konami is losing players. I am worried that we will not have a chance to enjoy a lot of cards. If not now, then when? Plus, won't a lot of these cards be considered not as good or fast once synchro and other summoning types take over? I feel like they purposely wait to give us some things until they are bad.
<< Anonymous(Yang)
By the way, anti-meta decks, especially the ones on the tier 3 list here, are actually still strong if you analyze them carefully. The core components are strong, but the techs are confusing to choose from because of the domination of Fur Hires which are hard to "hard-counter"
<< Anonymous(Yang)
Until this balance is restored, Duel Links probably will be one of Konami's best moneymaking schemes-and its worst failure for a mobile app with plenty of F2Ps
<< Anonymous(Yang)
Tea lover
A whole new diff yugioh sounds appealing. It actually can be a whole new game independent from classic yugioh. Balance can be resolved much easier and faster at its root as its independent from its physical counterpart. (E.g they can make changes to card instead of nerfing) It can be a win win scenario, co getting a new product and happy consumers.
<< Anonymous(Valencia )
Defender, Dystopia, Clock Tower Prison and Destiny End Dragoon are too powerful for Duel Links, and probably will be for a long time. Most of the other cards are too weak. D - Shield and Shining Phoenix Enforcer (though it's very much a worse Shining Flare Wingman) are somewhat in the middle, but certainly aren't cards that make an event worthwhile on their own.
<< Anonymous
But they are fun... It looks like we are probably never going to get them, though... :(
Lightning Vortex should be released as it's not that OP. They released Flash Seal of the Forbidden Spell already which is a step down of LV. Light and Darkness Dragon seems OP for now. Light End and Dark End will be released likely with 5D's on account being Synchros. With Konami it's best not to get your hopes up, learned this when I was 12 lol.


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