Yeah, it should be cool. Just don't know how long it will take to really take off since synchro took awhile. BTW, what do you think of them giving us Axel? He is the next GX character now.
Axel is coming? Wow didnt know that. I dont really like him because he isnt of the characters that had a great role in the anime. But who cares, the most important thing is that the new character is for GX, xd.
It's not sandwiches in particular, it's just an example. I personally find it kinda stupid to spend your money in a game OR if you have tonnes of dollars, then you can do anything you love (and sure if you steal your parents credit card) . :)
He's okay, but I'm not interested in volcanics. I think we are getting him just because some guy on Youtube kept spamming demands for volcanic support. Atticus and more red-eyes would have been way better.
Axel is having a roaming event in October. But with Atticus, it seems like they don't want us to have him. He has been in the files since GX world was new, but they keep adding different ones and giving us them first. I think the new ones should have to get in line. Atticus was here before a lot of them.
If you want to stay the loser for life you already are, buy "powerful cards" on a phone app... you little virgin.
If you want to get girls sandwiches and get true satisfaction, just drop DL and try going out spending your money in true stuff.
"We dont talk to a poor"
Guys like you all are the poorest fks in the planet actually
^I really hope you're trolling, but if you're not then well... i'm really sorry man.
I don't know what hppened in your life, maybe you are in a bad mood, maybe your pet died, idk, but you have to be really 🔥ed up to write something like this to some dude who was making a joke of how expensive this game is.
Yup. You remember you said "it just feels like we have had the same meta decks forever" yesterday. Lol the banlist hits every meta deck but heroes and shiranui. Well, it's the chance for some decks to climb into tier one. And theres now forbidden cards?! It's like "only zero card out of forbidden list can be included in your deck". Xd
Not really. Invoked Magician Girls aren't nearly as good as elementsabers and neos with it since it isn't even tiered. And I wasn't using Yami Yugi's "heart of the cards" or Keith's Switcheroo like about 90% of the other players.
Konami be like, "Not interested in the new box and Xyz? Well, we'll MAKE you by killing just about absolutely everything!" lol I'm glad they finally did lightsworn. And those skills! It's about time Keith got hit. But I actually feel a little sorry for Yami Marik...
Yeah it's been while for Konami to release such great banlist like this. And looks like shiranui will stay in tier one, and maybe heroes also go to tier one.
Nice investment choise. You are a good businessman. I can assure you that your hard earned money is well spent in a virtual childrens card game. Konami CO.