Has anyone climbed up from Legend to King of Games ( or even legend 3) using a U.A deck? I find it to be very bricky and want to know how to get around it.
I'm staying in lower rank so I may enjoy dueling and playing fun decks.
Since I don't have to include techs like Cosmic, Canadia and such; I used dynaterium/ gilasaurus/ soul exchange/ other cards that can special summon themselves. Result is VERY consistent, I never even have to use my skill (which is draw sense low).
What are you using for tribute fodder? For a Tribute Monster lineup, I would go with 2 Dunker, 2-3 Rebounder, 1 Slugger (or just 3 Dunker & 3 Rebounder). If you have access to Midfielder, that would be an obvious plus but, if you don't, a Fodder lineup could consist of Dynaterium, Tricky, Gilasaurus, Soul Exchange, or you could look into a Card Advanced/Arrival Rivals build.
I have 3 midfielders and that's why I'm running the deck. I got lucky for the first time in a main box and got this and abyss megalo 3 copies with such ease but chose u.a. over abyss.
also , saladfingers, you definitely want to be running slugger in the deck , he alone has been countering amazons and just is a crazy good card so you definitely want to run 2 of him I would say
I was kinda thinking about that. Slugger would be MVP against Amazoness. How are the other matchups? I'm currently on the wall of participating or not, I still need 2 stamps but I've lost 3 of 5 duels. *Not using U.A. just random decks*
only hard matches I've had is either bricking which is obvious or fur hire when they get wiz out early, but I tend to bait a wiz with either canadia to then use stadium to get over it or with penalty box to banish, slugger comes in handy against wiz too negating the effect then popping it with penalty box again
It's a good thing you have a main deck answer to Wiz, though. Vampires would probably be one of the more difficult matchups since they can pop cards for free.
I've only faced vamps once so far but I managed to 2 turn 🔥 them without them getting going so not to sure on that match up, spellbooks seem to be quite tricky at times
It's gonna be more of a problem if they start showing up in greater numbers. Cyclone is your only combo breaker for the matchup and it's not searchable. I still think it's a strong deck, I'm starting to get tempted again into buying this since some of my gems will expire before the next box
true, but thankfully fur hire and Amazon's are much more common and an easier match up, if you can get the 3 midfielders then go for it :) I got super lucky 7.9k gems got me all 3 midfielders :O