Yeah, you actually don't need a third Urknight that much. 2 copies are fine. The deck's main aim is to get Maximus into the field, not Urknight. Urknight just happens to be the strongest Level 4 KM we have, but other Level 4 KMs tends to have 1900 ATK, just 100 less than Urknight, a difference which usually doesn't really matter, so not having a third Urknight is not going to ruin the deck.
Once we get KM Bergzak there's even less need to get 3 Urknight, due to competing deck slots. People would prefer to run 2 Urknight 2 Bergzak 3 Maximus 1 Sandman 1 Rock for the monster lineup.
actually 2000 atk isn't the reason urnight is the best lv 4 koa'ki, it's because it can search any other lv 4 koa'ki and sp summon it therefor increasing both the consistency and otk potential of the deck by quite a lot. you can still get by with only 2 but even if it had 1000 atk urnight would still be a standard 3 of
lol, I don't respect any comment who comes from a frustrated idiot who hates anyone playing a meta deck. People can choose whatever deck they want and have fun.