No Dragon Ravine or Destrudo combo in Duel Links so AFD is fine to be released. It maybe not a tier 1 material but it is still a good card : generic synchro, huge DEF, nice effect
Well, the other half of why AFD got banned was for the field spells it could search and abuse- which we don’t really have a plethora of atm. What top decks are currently using and abusing any good field spells rn?
Can you tell me how AFD abuse the field spell eff that got it banned? as far as i know it got banned cuz 1 card combo (dark grepher,armageddon knight) or the dragon mill using the destrudo in which creating an extra link board easily
AFD took advantage of any field spell that don't have a once per turn restriction. Trickstar Lightstage, Spyral Resort, and especially Dragon Ravine are examples which enabled some pretty unfair situations.
It also found its way into almost every rogue deck around towards the end too. The card was just too easy to bring out, abuseable by too many decks. It needed to go