
D Cubed | Deck and Rulings

Can you activate the discard effect from hand to discard itself and special summon the same copy from grave and/or another from deck without using your normal summon? If so this card is actually amazing for a free self special summon with optional 2nd body and is essentially like faris. Seems to me that should be the case based on other similar cards and the text saying you can only normal summon D heros for the rest of the turn implying you could activate the effect from hand without summoning it first no?
You can't, cards that work like that have the text "You can discard this card from your hand;...."
<< Anonymous
It says you can discard up to 2 cards;summon that many d cubed from your hand, deck or grave... Doesn't say it has to be face up on the field to activate the effect, Don't see how that text is any different from faris or even thunder dragon for example. Seems like you can just discard it as a cost for it's own effect then summon the same single copy from grave if you so choose.
<< Anonymous
Cards like harpie channeler don't say they need on field either yet we know that's not how it works.

Faris: You can discard 1 other "HERO" monster; -->>SPECIAL SUMMON THIS FROM YOUR HAND<<--. What else do you need to see written to know it is an effect you activate in your hand?
<< Anonymous
It does say discard;summon from your HAND, DECK OR GRAVEYARD. The text and effect says exactly that. Technically you could even discard any 1-2 cards and special summon 1-2 directly from deck or grave even without having one in your hand or on the field based on the way the effect is written. I think you may be mistaken and everyone is sleeping on how this card actually functions.
<< Anonymous
No one is sleeping on anything, it's you reading comprehension that is going whack with this card for some reason.

Faris says: you can ss this card from your hand. So an effect in hand
TD says: you can discard this card;.... Have you seen someone discarding cards from the field or GY in yugioh? Or a card that says "discard from field or GY"?
<< Anonymous
it's an effect on field dude cards that work in your hand mention or imply it one way or another: score, aleister, most darklord monsters activate by discard discard being a term that only applies on hand. you surely never checked each card that didn't specify it needed to be on field to activate its effect one by one the same logic you used to know they don't work like that is applied here
<< Anonymous
This game officially makes no sense anymore then if half the cards with similar effects don't even function the same as others with identical text anymore lol. The card clearly states discard up to 2 cards; special summon that many d cubed from hand deck or grave. Hapries channeler should clearly be able to discard itself for cost as well. Apparently everyone still playing forgot how to read
<< Anonymous
This game does make sense but the rulings are sometimes unnecessarily complicated.
<< Anonymous
Effect monster always specified the corresponding condition if they have effect OUTSIDE of field

Are you simply asking or forcing others to accept your idea of new ruling?
<< Anonymous
It’s like season one DM: everyone can make their own rules
<< Anonymous
Nobody is forcing others to accept the idea of new ruling, everyone is basing there assumed ruling on a way the card was intended to be played without reading the actual text here. It clearly says you can discard; summon from grave/deck/han. I don't see how that is confusing If D cubed is in the grave y can discard any card to summon that copy from grave. It is clearly written in the text that way
<< Anonymous
It's just OP reading what he wants in the way he wants, all the examples he gave have enough text to make it clear that it is an effect activated in hand, they aren't even similar in text to D cube.
D cube is as most monsters you summon it then you activate the effect, nothing in its text says you can activate its effect from your hand without summoning it first
<< Anonymous
So what about similar monster cards that activate effects while in the graveyard? Part of the effect clearly says pay cost;summon from grave. Are you implying you couldn't activate the effect from grave as well then? The effect states pay cost; summon from hand, deck or grave. Is the issue because it doesn't specify "this card" because the effect allows for multiple copies not just the one..
<< Anonymous
My apologies if I come off argumentative. Just getting back into the game after 10+ years and clearly konami is too lazy to create a comprehensive rules database for their own game after taking it back over from upperdeck lol. This makes little sense to me honestly as the card clearly has a summon from hand, deck or grave effect with a discard cost to activate. Poor translation or design I suppose
<< Anonymous
My apologies if I come off argumentative. Just getting back into the game after 10+ years and clearly konami is too lazy to create a comprehensive rules database for their own game after taking it back over from upperdeck lol. This makes little sense to me honestly as the card clearly has a summon from hand, deck or grave effect with a discard cost to activate. Poor translation or design I suppose
<< Anonymous
Those cards that activate in gy say it or imply it in their cost, they have text like "You can [cost]; special summon this card from your GY...", "While this card is in your GY;...". As an example check Fortune Lady Every effect or check Machina Fortress, it has parenthesis that tells you the effect can be activated in both hand and GY
<< Anonymous
"Is the issue because it doesn't specify "this card" because the effect allows for multiple copies not just the one"

That's exactly the issue here. If it would say "this card", you could activate that effect from your hand or GY.
<< Anonymous
This makes more sense now after reading various other cards. Text has to specify "this card" from hand or GY, otherwise it can only be activated while on the field. Thanks everyone for the input!


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