
Umbra & Lumis Roaming Event

Can You Unlock These Two Yet In Order To Play As Them ? ? ? ? ?
Can't you read? Did the page you just commented on said "Umbra & Lumnis UNLOCK event"? Are you capable of differentiating between an UNLOCK event and a ROAMING event? Look at the title of the page again. What does it say? There's your answer.
<< Anonymous
Woah, chill out man. Maybe he's new to the game and doesn't know there's different types of events.

I also was confused when I was 1st played this game. Now the game has so much stuff into it that new players will need a little more time to understand the game better.
<< Anonymous
Chill out my man we can choose not to be "that" person always mocking other in hope of gaining a tiny bit of self confidence.


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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