

Oof 420
My deck for yubel - Yubel x2 - Yubel Terror Incarnate x1 - Yubel The Ultimate Nightmare x1 - Grave Squirmer x2 - Lava Golem x1 - White Night Dragon x1 - Man Eater Bug x3 - Big Shield Gardna x2 - Skystarray x2 - Evilswarm Zahak x1 - Destiny HERO Decider x2 - Snowman Eater x1 - Intrigue Shield x1 - Super Rush Headlong x1 - Jar Of Avarice x2 - Draining Shield x2 - Wall of Disruption x2 - Coffin Seller x2 - Enemy Controller x1 Skill - My Name is Yubel
Oof 420
This Deck May need Skill to play, Unlike Blue eyes (simple decks) this deck if played right and with good hand, You will put opponents at a harsh placement
Oof 420
Also If u wonder the most terrifyingq combo, think of Skystarray plus Yubel plus white night dragon plus lava golem plus Armed Spells and traps
Oof 420
Now the cost is normally going to be expensive, however, my completion is 89-93% complete, waiting on yubel level 60 event, unlocking marik, and one more skystarray is just all i need.
<< Anonymous(Oof 420)
is this deck consistant tho, ur best combo sounds like a lot of work.
my deck is not as expensive:
2x Yubel
1x Terror Incarnate
1x Ultimate Nightmare
3x Fireking Yaksha
1x Pheonix
3x Fire king island
2x Skystarray
1x Wall of disruption
1x Treacherous.
2x kuriboh
1x sphere tho u can run 3 sphere 0 normal kuriboh
1x Hey, Trunade!

Skill: Cyber Style tho tbh i will probably change to My name is Yubel
<< Anonymous(Oof 420)
for me my most terrifying combo would be skystarray, pheonix and terror incarnate as it is full backrow removal and full monster removal every turn (phoenix being destroyed by terror incarnate) while still being able to attack directly (skystarray)


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harpie conductor where??
777-929-298 Just because you are a human, don't think you can win easily.
Shùt up and give us your money!
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