I sure hope this works. My old phone bricked both the software and hardwire crashed and there is no fixing at least not from my end. I cant see anything on my screen anymore so I cant check my duelist ID. Thankfully I never did any micro transactions til a few days ago so I know what decks I bought,when I got them and which payment format I usedand since I was still able to play today I know my last duel, which cards I ran, my last reward for PVP so I was able to provide in full detail all the questions Konami asked beside the duelist ID I really hope I can recover my account I been playing almost since the game launched. I still remember the 50k Downloads now they got 100Million. Please Konami help a brother out Ill dump a $100 bucks if I get my account back if not then off to new things... I guess.
Hello Anon, good thing you could prove but there is more way: you can use another device/ friends device go into the game and search your name via Friendmaking, if your name is unique enough then your profile will show up and you can check for your ID
best of luck
I need som help. I got a new phone yesterday and wanted to transfer my last save. I was going to try with the google play data transfer and I also tried with Konami ID but it messed up. The new save on my new phone got transfered to my old phone and the Konami ID go bound to my new save. Anyone know anything to help? I've already contacted customer service to try and get my old save back.
Hi Eric.
Did you create ID on the new phone and then (on old phone): you started DL main menu and made data transfer with your ID? Then its lost because it got wiped from you old phone! only hope is konami support in this particular case - good luck!