Thats another great excuse for someone who is a real sucker and if i remember correclty even a dude with ojamas made it to kog in 1st-2nd day of the new season
with only 1000 gems forever? that s imposible, but i admit this season is the most difficult for the new f2p players. All the meta is dominated with expensive decks that new players cant form so i only recomend you spend your gems in good staples and save the rest for future boxes.
That's the way of thinking of some commenters here, jeez! I mean, u really need to be a very mediocre player to think like that. (and also very bad, since it's obvious you don't know how to farm gems). =/
I built Buster Blader with gems alone, and I only play like 3-4 hours a day, because I have to work lol, stop giving excuses dudes... u sound way too lame lol !
sandstorm said they play only 4h per day but dont say how many days he need for complete his deck xd, good joke.. wht is the next? you complete your deck in one week? haha
u say u built a spell book and fh deck spending dollars in a box, i built my old furhire deck in less a month with no credit card... what of both decks do u think is a true f2p?
It's amusing how the worst players ever start calling liar, cheater, etc etc to anyone who builds decks for free or becomes relevant in the kc cup, etc. I believe not everyone is a real duelist here.