Hm...REBD decks still don´t have any limited cards. Maybe you could add Archfiend´s Manifestation to your Extra Deck as an additional tech and support for Summoned Skull and use Keeper of Dragon Magic to help searching all the pieces of the puzzles.
With that setup, you are almost always guaranteed to have something to fuse.
The only deck immune to brick fusion is Kaiba due to his Ultimate Dragons skill. The workaround for the HERO deck is that they have Mask Change.
The only way to summon this without bricking is to use Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning x3.
Beast of Talwar is free archfiend. I'd rather use the Gemini Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning for consistency and synergy with the Red-eyes Insight and Return of the Red-Eyes .
keep in mind that you can only use the RE archfiend of lightning as fusion material for this card while it's in the graveyard or field as a normal monster