Bad card, you have to wait until you're opponent next end phase. If you want to win duel you have to destroy their monsters on your turn if you're playing Blue eyes.
Yea, waiting until opponent's next end phase means they can use the monster for anything (like say, summoning an Xyz), and you basically just used that material for nothing.
Bruh. It’s not just about destroying the opponent’s monster. This is a great card as you can get effects out of your own Gimmick Puppets being destroyed, and you still deal damage to the opponent out of their destruction.
Pretty sure desperado has their own way to destroy card instead of using this card. I don't even know how to summon this card in desperado, or even meklord
^Didn't you read the "instead of using this card" part? Forgive me i forgot that most player didn't read card effect either.
And using this card made it harder to summon desperado instead of the usual way, and like other said, they can still able to do whatever they want with their monster even after you use this card effect.
Didn’t you read that this is a Gimmick Puppet card, not Desperado? Forgive me that I didn’t know I’d have to explain who is the master and who is the tech card. They, Desperado, are one tech card to help Gimmick Puppets, not the other way around. This card is part of the archetype and is easily revived with Junk Puppet and Perform Puppet w/o an effect. Anyway it still forces opp to change plan.