Teach me the SSA way, master? I have all the tech cards, 3 undines, swap frogs, mermails, atlanteans, etc. anything you can include in a water deck, but I'm too laxy trying to combine them all in a 20 card deck. Not a fun of Grass is Greener build.
thats a card called cosmic cyclone, super rush, offering? and try otk him with your massive advantage draw thx to "pot of greed", cause AG deck dnt have any good backrow. and of course u need LUCK everygame haha.
maybe you can get a higher DP than me, u got all tech card, i just dnt have 3rd copy of undine and citawhale. and im runing 3 canadia (can use as a tribute for citawhale), anubis and 1 SSA, no fishborg and mermail, thats my build. my advice in this meta is, HOLD Heavy infantry and Dragon ice, use them just to counter.