
KC Cup top decks

Real Ryern
you dont have to pay for the win
Real Ryern
cheap 🔥 deck, hard to master, counter to mirror and relin user and counter all of the meta deck except tribute one like gravekeeper.

tips : clear your field while masking every monster on the other side, user mystic box to remove yours and give 🔥ty monster to your opponents like cocoon and gardna. GLHF
Well done on achieving your ranking. This deck is so much more cost effective to assemble and F2P friendly. Only 2 packs of ultimate rising needed, in in contrast to pure relinquished decks that require north of 6 packs
What did he mean by this???
"Only 2 packs of ultimate rising needed"
What did he mean by this????
"Cheap 🔥 deck". He meant that the guy went through the packs 3 times, instead of opening the other boxes too. Meaning you could make this deck with a new f2p account, if you only open that box 3 times. Oh and farm kaiba for a month. And then get lucky with the card trader. Not sure how your gonna get gardna, but time travel is theoretically possible...


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Right Way Law Recovery Firm We use telegram, so you already know that we’re scammers
I can't wait for the 5Ds legendary duelist Jesse Wheeler
Great with Power of the Guardians to hopefully keep this card alive on the field.
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