
Vanguard of the Dragon | Decks and Ruling

Is this card good for BEWD deck? 3x blue eyes 3x kaibaman 3x blue dragon summoner 3x vanguard of the dragon and some Spell and trap cards???
No, why would you discard your blue eyes? This card is good for red eyes because red eyes spirit, you can throw your red eyes and revive it. Blue eyes can't be revived from graveyard, unless you use totem dragon
I never said i discard blue eyes. My idea was 3x vanguard of the dragons instead of 3x crystal seer. Maybe that would give some more turns in duels to draw blue eyes or kaibaman. I just dont like The crystal seer Version.
I was thinking exactly the same idea as you. +2 red eyes since you can easily draw them from the deck using blue dragon summoner.
<< Anonymous(Votd)
So you think vanguard of the dragons in bewd deck is a Good idea?
<< Anonymous
How in the hell would you Special Summon BEWD from your Graveyard using Totem Dragon? Totem Dragon just summons itself. Also Vanguard itself can Special Summon Blue-Eyes from the grave if your opponent Otc's it for example. It prevents them from using their Otc's and such because they don't want you to summon BEWD so it basically locks them down a little bit. Good in both decks but REBD is better.


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