
Shiranui Spectralsword | Deck and Rulings

Best Deck of DL History, nerfed 3 times and still the best. A true Zombie that can't die
Bassically all shuranui cards have 3 effects: when they are summoned, when they are in grave, when they are removed. If yugioh has learned us something is that recycling cards again and again is devastating. Also, it has 2 reliable winning conditions (sunsaga, shogunsaga) Very powerful deck for duel links standards.
<< Anonymous
I just quitted duel links and now playing Athenion: CCG witch is also a card game and a more strategic 1 where skills is much more needed than cash. The main difference i see is that yugioh has too many cards that can be activated during your opponents turn athenion has none. Trap cards are ok but then just like OG yugioh but then Konami has to make quick effect monsters and spells to sell meta.
<< Anonymous
Your game sounds unfair and I won't play it.
Not everyone is born with skill, but anyone can get a good income by doing 2 or more jobs at once if 1 isn't enough.

Duel Links is more fair exactly because buying powerful cards is superior to having playing skills.

Hence why my loyalty is for Konami only.
<< Anonymous
^Well, you don't really have to buy anything with real money, actually. I believe long time player should have at least decent deck that able to reach KoG.

More like this card is aiming for dedicated players, not your typical " i made this account yesterday and had troubles beating meta".
<< Anonymous
Yeah, I started a new acoount two weeks ago and concentrated even my 2 UR ans 2 SR dream tickets on building a 6sams decks, 2 days ago I KOGed with that deck already then I deleted the game again. I'll just install it once I like to play duel links again with another fresh account.
<< Anonymous
I agree. I also frequently reinstalled DL and manage to KoG with 3 Levianeer and 3 Fiendish chain each time with my day 1 account.

So F2P.
<< Anonymous
He was talking about 6Sams, a F2P deck. Not sure why you come up with those cards.
<< Anonymous
I think he was trying to support the other one's statement by proving DL is so F2P that anyone can make a 3 Levianeer + FC deck with a 1 day old account.


Comments (updated every hour)

Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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