
Beatdown! (Skill)

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This needs skill needs nerf.
Why would this skill ever get nerfed?
i agree needs life point cost maybe 500 or 1000 to use.
<< Anonymous
Just because a skill has competitive use does not mean it should be nerfed lol
This skill should get nerfed? It only works on the players turn and only when you have high level monsters. Thats such a niche ability it may as well be a banner of courage
And if you cant stop banner of courage may i suggest trying a diferent game? Cuz you kinda suck
<< Anonymous
lol ever since naturia came out, the monolith of morons using this increased tenfold.
all i see are kaiba players.
This 🔥 will get nerfed and i'll be happy.
<< Anonymous
since konami seems to nerf based on popular stuff and not actual strength, it probably will get nerfed, but its just gonna be another worthless nerf to the game lol. besides, naturia's can easily just run restart since theyre very bricky anyways lol
Original Post
lol. The main reason why HHG, 3 Star Demotion was nerfed was because of these complains. Won't be surprised if this skill will be nerfed as well just because of saltiness.
<< Anonymous
Banner is a fcking card that can be destroyed, it need 3 fcking banner to average this skill. They should eithrr nerf this skill or buff back switcheroo and hhg, even 3sd to do them justice.
<< Anonymous(Realm)
if you think this skill is what is making the meta 🔥ed youre bad
<< Anonymous
This skill is strong because of the meta. But to your surprise! Special summon High level monsters will be a thing however you like it or not.
<< Anonymous(Realm)
Unless they release XYZ card type and make the meta consist of RANK 4.decks.
<< Anonymous(Realm)
the meta is gonna be 🔥 even if they nerf beatdown buddy lol. beatdown is not what is making the meta ass. there is no need to nerf beatdown just because youre 🔥 that you lost to a guy with it lol
<< Anonymous
I'm not lost to a guy with it. I'm the guy who used it to reach KoG.
<< Anonymous(Realm)
i got to kog with mako, please nerf umi its way too op. like, 200 attack boost? thats game breaking dude!
<< Anonymous
Lol the problem isnt it's OP, the problem is it's overused. Beatdown is way better than Umi as of now, and to the future.
<< Anonymous(Realm)
a skill shouldnt get nerfed because its used a lot lol. thats the logic they have been going with, but its clearly flawed. should limit or ban every card that has high usage too then lol
<< Anonymous
That's what they did irl.
<< Anonymous(Realm)
ya and this is why competitive yugioh is seen as a joke
I agree. It should be nerfed. It's easier now to summon high level monster. You can fill your monster zone in one turn. And unlike field spell, you can't de-spell the skill.
<< Anonymous
Too bad that thegam3 became heavly relying in 🔥 summoning monsters with high lvl so easly. The skill is a no brainer no fun at all and he needs to get a change as well as masked tribute
well, we got the nerf :D


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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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