I don't really think Ancient Gears are Pay-To-Win at all, simply because... well... they don't always win lol. That deck is quite bricky, sometimes those AG deck users do only set 2 spells on the field and do nothing else.
You know I’m starting to think you really might not be a konami sponsor but instead a boarderline homeless person you desperately want all the F2p 🔥 decks new and old to never be nerfed because you can’t play the game without them because you’re both bad and poor that’s why you farm gems 24/7
it's pretty arguable.
yes if you managed to summon Yubel they can not get rid of it easy, but most AG decks include Enemy controller. so you stay alive until they draw it. besides, if the island is destroyed by the Reactor dragon effect, Yubel will miss timing