
Naturia: deck recipe

Konami needs to fix this broke 🔥 deck, seriously, PvP is not even fun anymore, you only see Kaibas with this 🔥ty deck, whats the point on playing the game anymore? theres no variety only damn Naturias everywhere, no dragon, fiend, light decks, nothing, only naturias, ffs.
naturias arent broken lol
There are red eyes, nephytys, mako and toons. Blue eyes is rare but is still used occasionally
Naturias are NOT broken. the amount of bricks you get with this deck is insane. when its good its VERY good but when it bricks, you lose fast.
<< Anonymous
I.m happy someone sees things the way i do. People are lazy/have no skill/have no creativity and just copy paste decks. I wonder why even are they playing it or why even do they bother collecting cards from events if they are going to copy paste other.s decks. Seriously, you guys, why the hell are you even playing? To reach kog with someone
Else.s deck? Congrats, nice achievement
<< Anonymous
<< Anonymous
"People are lazy/have no skill/have no creativity and just copy paste decks." So you are blaming people for not being creative and using one of the most obvious sets of interactions recently added to the game? It does not take any genius to find which naturias get along well! You are basically blaming the people for playing the game right. Stop 🔥ing based on false statement.
<< Anonymous
That's the main thing sadly. Since there's not enough variety in what is considered as a "good deck", meta decks are born, and those who realize that they can run these decks are often greeted with a thousand others who also use it. I hope this gets fixed as the game goes on and new cards are introduced
<< Anonymous(GaryBlueRose)
Meta decks before this box was Dinos, Water and Relinquished, then HHG, GKs and 3 Star Demotion decks then REBD, Toons comes into play next together with this deck (Naturia)
<< Anonymous
Dinos haven't been meta since KC Cup tho
<< Anonymous
"Why play a game?"

Game: "a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck."

Gee, to be competitive and win - the defacto purpose of a game. Games are played to decide a winner, that is the essence of competition by default.

Do you see how 🔥ed you sound now?
Your an idiot man. Naturias are good but far from broken. If anything red eyes is hands down the most broken deck, red eyes has insane amounts of support cards its rediculous. Naturia has a few good special summon tactics and when its not there turn anymore and beatdown isnt active they are extremely easy to pick off. The only things thats 🔥 is the amount of enemy controllers and super rush-
Hedgehogs in every singe players deck. Konami is 🔥ed for introducing these cards with this rule set. These cards make the game annoying for everyone no matter what deck your playing against. They implement a limit/forbidden list and add 🔥ing restructor revolution, and nothing else.. really?? You can't blame naturias. Ofcourse theres not much variety, how are you suppose to play other deck-
When theres only so many decks that can swarm the field so fast? And the with all these rediculous amounts of quick play spells in every persons deck this game is just getting kind of 🔥ed now and its far from naturias fault. Add all these rediculous quick play spells to the forbidden/limit list and trust me you'll see tons more variety and different cards being utilised to make differentcombo
<< Anonymous
the game isnt unbalanced because of quick play spells. if anything, they are what is making the game more balanced, because without them every game would end in 3 turns, instead of just 90% of your games ending in 3 turns. not a very competitive game either way tho
What you guys complaining and carrying on really mean is...I paid a ton of money for this game, why do low budget players get to be competitive too or use halfway decent decks? And I don't even play Naturia, not my playstyle personally.
<< Anonymous(Justin)
if u cant figure out why they would make budget decks good then idk what to say lul
<< Anonymous
I got to agree with this. Decided to try it out and won 2 games in a row because i drew perfect and then lost 5 games in a row because my hand would totaly brick with high level monsters.

But i do agree that it gets boring fast playing 6 out of 10 duels against a kaiba with naturia and beatdown. The rest is almost all sacred phoenix with an ocasional blue eyes deck mixed in there.
Naturias need the special summon (Hydragia...) flower to be reduced to 1... Econ, was very strong in the harpie meta, not so much now - 🔥 harpies lol (Harpies is the worst deck in duel links...) The thing is that the deck can otk... set one card, no econs, mirror walls or headlong and your dead... I personally don't care all that much for the meta right now - its fairly diverse!
The only thing I will say about Naturias with my points above ^^ is that, its the tea burn equivalent... Say what you want... It can brick, it can otk and stay around long enough to finish you off before you can get a combo going, like tea burn...
<< Anonymous
tea burn was 🔥ed because there were no viable counterplay options. there is tons of counterplay to naturias, and it is literally an inconsistent hammer shark deck without any utility. naturias are bad lol
<< Anonymous
>without any utility.

Someone haven't faced a pinapple + econ combo stealing your monsters
<< Anonymous
ok theyre hammer sharks but with way less utility. sorry buddy.
<< Anonymous(Justin)
Naturia exist for us who never paid a single buck to get KOG n laugh at u.
<< Anonymous
Your KoG goal feels HOLLOW and EMPTY though, right? Compared to folks, like those who have gradually built up a decent GK deck, you only invested in one or two packs for Naturia, then call it a day. Following day, you copy a general Naturia deck, then far. Lol I pity you at what game experience you have gathered along the way...
<< Anonymous
lol you can either spend 100 years getting all the cards gk use, or spend 15 min and get all the cards naturias use. if you started today, what option would you pick? be competitive in pvp today, or be competitive in 2 years? either way you dont get much out of experience in this game since it's heavily reliant on luck lol. i pity you for not being able to figure that out......................
<< Anonymous
Ur an idiot if someone can win a match on their first turn its broken
<< Anonymous
Yup there are nerdy idiots who probably got water in their head, they even tried rationalised their naturias as though its fair.
<< Anonymous
naturias are inconsistent and bad. if you think something being able to 🔥 u in 1 turn is broken then u shouldnt be playing this game since that's basically all it is at this point. not disagreeing with u tho
<< Anonymous
Its really a luck based game wben u are against a naturia deck. Hopefully u draw a counter at starting hand.


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