
PvP Best Decks & Tier List [Mar 15]

I quit the game because of all the burn/stall deck on pvp ladder. It's so tiring playing for 20+ turn just to see their hp keep increasing and I lose more resources turn by turn. If I change my deck to counter burn I will get rekt by non-burn deck. The meta diversity is really great but somehow burn deck also has a lot of variety this season. I don't regret at all quitting this game after 218 straight days playing. Better play more 'skilled' game than rng 🔥
Ojama go burn, ddraw temple ladybug burn/stall, extra extra stall, weevil burn, so many variant and it works really well. Other than that, this kind of deck really easy to play and when I play it, most of the time I just end turn until whether my opponent surrender or they deck out. Or the match draw when I face mirror match(temple ladybug). Meta before gx update is fun (rez, pheonix, psychic etc)
use a deck that destroys back row. this will be effective against burn/non burn decks
Lmao if you can’t defeat a burn deck then you just have crappy cards lol
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