i beat with red-eyes slash dragon since it can negate galaxy-eyes effect and destroy it, but a lot of deck could do it because his deck is somewhat easy and inconsistent
Bring Ally of Justice monsters. Tenjo's mistake is he brings only light monsters. AoJ Quarantine prevents him from special summoning anything. AoJ core destroyer defeats all his monsters, including Galaxy Eyes Dragon he is so proud of. Use PotG to protect Quarantine since he brings nothing that destroys spell card.
just make an auto duel deck.not worth putting time in .if an auto duel can be done then do it.if not i still use my auto duel cos its not worth the time making all the combos needed for a lot of xp.i use boosters and x3 multiplyier to get the most cards.the point is set so u can only increase the time per run and cards gotten.not worth getting 8k score if you can play 2 match until with a fastdeck