You can always protect from Alternative because it targets.
The other cards though aren't from BE archetype. Hence why I said BE archetype by itself loses to a protected 3001 atk monster.
In that case, you can run a random burst stream of destruction. Still dont lnow why none uses it. You can clear the field and then synchro you bewd for attack.
Also, you only have 3 monsters that can be treated as BE in your deck. If your opponent manages to double banish/destroy/etc.. then it can happen that you have no more ways to SS BE. It's hard to use this spell without a BE replacement like alternative, which would have given you 6 compatible monsters instead of 3.
I counter Blue-Eyes with Red-Eyes. As everyone said: "red-eyes is potential". Alternative, I negate with Slash Dragon and vanilla Blue-Eyes, I wipe out with Red-Eyes Archfiend equipped with Red-Eyes sword.