Well, in the past I was happy about 50% discounts. However, today the game has changed too much. Most tier decks atm use only new cards. The value of old boxes has really went down. Also, most of the good cards have been reprinted in structure decks. Imo, right now investing in old boxes is a really really bad idea. It is way better to keep your gems for future/newer boxes. I believe Konami should keep this discount forever for old boxes.
The reason is because the banlist cannot catch up with broken meta. Komoney refuse to get serious with the banlist and that's why broken decks are everywhere. Harpie is a can cer and should already have a card in limit 2 when it dominated the meta 2 years back. The same thing happened to Karakuri and finally they have decided to limit 1 that broken merchant.
In the recent past komoney did some things to balance the meta with emergency bans (see witchcrafters). However, this hasn't happen again since then. Lets suffer 3 more months by Harpies and Onomats otk.
And old box discount should remain permanent. They are outdated by now.
Powercreep is real and only some old staples are still being used, still a good chance to snag up some cosmics, spheres and canadias... but I think most veterans already have them, so it hardly does anything.
What? You thought konami made this sale because they care about players? Everything is planned they know that almost all the cards in those boxes won't see play ever again. They could give the cards away for free and nothing would happen, but no, they know they can sell you literal garbage in the shape of .png and all id iots would spend to get those outdated cards.
Bunch of fu cking idiots I swear. You're right sh itnami really did planned far enough to know all the cards in the past are garbage now. Otherwise, metalgear, wouldn't have been ruined.
Indeed. The best advice, especially for new players is STAY AWAY from old boxes. Even the best cards of them sooner or later appear on structure decks or get powercreep. Spend your gems wisely. This sphere kutiboh in a box full of useless cards will not give you any win on its own. On the other hand, just the Harpie Sign box will give you a 90% complete meta deck. This is a sale bait / clearance!