
Lair Wire | Decks and Tips

it doesnt target so its good against masked heroes
This card's effect does target.

Besides, the issue is not targeting or not, the issue is the difference between "that target" and "it".
"Select" is consider "target"
<< Anonymous
Not all cards that "select" a card target. (All but Creature Swap's most recent text mentioned selecting a monster, for example, and it doesn't target.)

These days, all cards that target say so when they're released in the TCG. That hasn't always been the case, however, and Lair Wire is old enough not to explicitly state it.
Select = Target. "Select" it's a obsolete term that was replace for target in the PSCT, but both have the same effect.
The question with "target/select" in a chain its not the effect of the target/select per se, but, what comes next or what should resolving along - it's the effect time activation...
<< Anonymous(Yusei)
As I already proved with Creature Swap, not every card that used "select" targets. Heck, Altar for Tribute uses that wording and sends the monster as a cost.
This particular card does target, though.

Just check Lair Wire's ruling.
<< Anonymous
I'm well aware. (And implied as such when I said Lair Wire's old enough not to explicitly say so.) That was in response to the ""Select" is consider "target"" thing, not the initial post.


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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