I went from silver to kog in a day with only minimal losses especially in plat, you obviously not faced a good toon deck if you don't think they can kog.
Of course the reason toons are so good is because even though they're easy to counter, not a lot of people run the counters since toons were terrible before kingdom. After a while more people will run spell removals.
Basically every meta deck has a variety of backrow removal lmao. It's just a matter of actually drawing them before they manage to get TK out and place Reflectors on it or 🔥 you.
The only meta deck that runs backrow removal are harpies, and most last gamble decks, but toons will probably cause more people to run backrow removal/spell negation
3SD can run Barrel Dragon (only 50% but still) or Endymion, Blue Eyes/3SD DM runs Vigilance (not backrow removal but kills TK) Hammer Shark runs Lost Blue Breaker/Fish Charge, and every Last Gamble, Handless Balance, and Bluff Trap deck runs Storm. The only meta decks that don't run something that can destroy TK atm are GK and Relinquished (which is usually used with Harpies anyways these days).