Are you using that deck right. Centipede attached with hopper remove hopper activate centipede draw sword equip sword for 2400 attack then attack directly next turn pull hopper from grave yard remove him do the same thing
Inzektor deck only bricks if you get both copies of Queen into your hand.
Silent deck is even more bricky, due to having 7 spells that requires specific condition to use, and 6 monsters you cannot summon without having another monster on the field first.
Yeah quite right but I'm talking about lv40 deck and among the lv40 deck i think inzektor and lightsworn is the deck with the highest chance of brick while inzektor is quite strong unlike that lightsworn which just mill your deck and u r gonna auto lose if not finished your opponent quickly
I use the amazonnes deck, but i play the first turns (making the field ready) and later i can put autoduel for the last turns (when zorc is going to lose).