I think the ones talking about a possible limitation for Maximus are pretty much delusional.
How many times people were talking about SAMURAI SKULL BEING LIMITED?, actually guys, it never happened.
So I don't know really, this comment section has a very bad reputation for a reason, y'know.
Konami can do anything to R card. Fur Hire trio (Dyna, Donpa, Wiz), Sylvan Marshalleaf, Destiny Hero Celestial, Spellbook of Fate, Silent Sword Slash, all those cards are R rarity just like Maximus. I have a full-build Koa'ki Meiru deck but I can understand if Konami hit Maximus several months later
Onslaught was limited AFTER FIVE DAMN MONTHS. If you want Koa'ki Meirus to be Limited. You better have such a big amount of PATIENCE if you know what I mean LOL !
Onslaught is way different than Koaki's. Just 1 trap could shut down an entire archetype and make it worthless and the Queen + princess + onslaught combo was pretty easy to get in your first turn. Princess is pretty much the Necrovalley of duel links.
Koaki is prety much unstoppable diamond +ur + stone/wall/titan + maximus = gg
Pretty much no deck can stop this except Buster blader , silent magician or card like pulse mine
He's probably getting nerf after the next rapport KC.
Maximus is not even a card that can be summoned out of the blue. They didn't even limit a 4 star card such as Samurai Skull, what does make you think they are going to limit a 8 Star card that must be summoned by banishing a core?
Dude is right, there is a HUGE difference between summoning a Beat fur hire that can allow you to fill the field with monsters and a card that needs to banish an other one in order to be summoned.
Dude vamps deck never hit top 10 most used card, and vamps is not even oppressive as furhire,amazoness, and km to begin with, yes its strong cuz it can search but its not even that oppresive like those 3.
Vamps need considerable skill and planning to run.
Not really, if you go first you have huge chances to be otk'd by your opponent. The most optimal vampire deck would need lots of backrow (kc cup taught me this), so koa'ki meirus are a lot better.