
Neo Space | Deck and Rulings

We need a skill that allows jaden to start the duel with neo space on the field
I came here just to say that lol
In that case that's cheating, unless it has condition like when you received 2000 damage or something else
<< Anonymous
......except we already have tons of skills that sets things up on the field for free

Or did you really gets scared that much by Neos fusions
<< Anonymous
We're yet to get a skill that starts with a Field Spell with that high of a boost on the field. I'd imagine if we got a Neo Space skill, it would probably either be like the HHG skill (and put it on top rather than activate it), or a lost-LP one. It probably wouldn't matter either way, but it would be inconsistent with how they've done it so far.
This wouldn't be consistent with how other similar skills work but it would be nice if you could choose when to activate it so you can play it after using storm neos to clear backrow.
Hey look... We got a skill that puts Neo Space into play at the start of the duel.
<< Anonymous
neos deck and support for it is already overpowered with this skill on top u made it even more op ...


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