
Deep Sweeper | Deck and Rulings

Goodbye Lost blue breaker, you terrible topdecker, never again.
Lbb is 3* and this is 4*. Lbb is better, regardless of stats
An Uminotaurus-Levia build may appreciate this better than Hammershark. However it is really important to note that you can still play this card outside UMI decks. In that aspect this card is superior.
<< Anonymous
Lol nope if you use only 1, you can summon this with tunaprincess, that is still 1 chance to summon with shark.
3 lost blue breaker is just causing terrible dead hand.
<< Anonymous
Right, I find hammer shark + all 3 stars build is just terrible, most of the time is you dont draw hammer shark, you lose.
I only ever get lbb and star boy 1st turn with that build. Cant even run over harpie fcking 1400 bird.
<< Anonymous(Realm )
So what you're saying is that lbb is still better
<< Anonymous
Most of the time this card is better useless u have hammer shark on hand.
<< Anonymous(Realm)
So ur saying lbb is better


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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