so how do we Downplay the Cons of this deck...
4k+ LP and 2nd Turn
play what the deck title is supposed to be, STANDBY BURN, by playing defense
on the example deck, I will take out the 3 LAoF and replace it with 3 Golden Apple, i know that's expensive but super effective in this deck, replace one of the monsters to GK Curse, and the last card is a choice between Cobra Jar and Needle Ball
my win ratio of this deck from rank Silver 1 to Platinum 2 is 8/10
definitely no need for cup of ace, CoA greatly works when u get lucky but when the other way around put you in a big dis-advantage, the idea here is to get rid off the cons and disadvantage of this deck, Golden Apple not just can keep your life up but also can give u a strong defender and let Burning lands do the work, as like deck says... "Standby Burn"