
Titan Showdown (Skill)

Why I took 5600 Damage from Anki with this skill?
Titan Showdown doubles original ATK. Offset's Anki's half-ATK effect.
<< Anonymous
2800/2(anikis effect) * 2 (titan showdown) != 5600 atk
<< Anonymous
"Offset Anki's original half attack effect"
<< Anonymous
It works like Karate Man sort of. As in, Anki's effect takes priority, 2800/2 =1400, and Titan showdown doubles monster ORIGINAL atk during damage calculation, making it 5600 atk. But now I am wondering if titan showdown effect should be meant to do this or not or the developpers didn't thought of such use. If you are under wall of disruption effect, titan showdown should then bring back twice atk
<< Anonymous
"Offset Anki's original half attack effect"

Can anyone explain this to me? Titan shodown offset's anki's original half attack effect, but when I try to do the same thing with cyber dark edge + claw equipped, it didn't offset the half damage effect of edge.
Instead of doing 2,400 x 2 = 4800 damage, it instead did 1,200 x 2 =24,000 damage.
what's the difference??
<< Anonymous(Anonymous.)
I'd guess because Cyberdark Edge halves its ATK, while Anki halves the damage it inflicts. I suppose Titan Showdown just replaces the damage modification from Anki entirely.
Its a bug. The skill shouldnt double the original att since its not in the description. It talks about "att dmg". Its a well known bug btw and i dont know why komoney havent solved it yet
<< Anonymous
Nice math, 🔥. Maybe you should try reading again.
<< Anonymous(Rogo)
not doubles original attack
<< Anonymous(Rogo)
the problem is the desctription is wrong not that its a bug it should have stated you take twice damage from the opponents monsters orginal attack


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