I really would like a zero skill special Duels or unlimited special duels. With this rules this event is garbage, who is more lucky win you can't have a strategy.
Is more like why if I play shiranui and the opponent plays shiranui I start with solitaire and 2 tuners in hand while he starts squire and triple set? Or why harpie's players always start parfumer or channeler with swallow nest in hand? Or why opponen playing Lunalight start with bird and marten? All this things happened multiple times.
Even if those cards exist, you can only summon another copy of itself or another non-effect monster. You are not going to summon those broken effect monsters with quick effect directly from the deck because they never exist in the original Yugioh.
Most cards games have a system to limit plays per turn (mana, energy, etc) and it's clear that not only it works but it's easy to implement and easy to understand, only konami is stuck in the past
But doesn't matter they still keep making billions even if their game is unbalanced af, no middle ground either you lose before you get your 2nd turn or you get stunt for 10 straight turns and lose