Guys, if you are using it especially because kite skill, please at very least read the card effect. IT CANT DESTROY A FACE UP CARD FOR GOD SAKE, IF YOU ARE USING IT FROM HAND
How many times I see people quitting just because he dont know he can't destroy field spell, but add it anyway???
Been seeing a lot of players using cards they don't understand. Played against someone running a Luna light deck that didn't seem to understand its inner workings.
That is bad lol. Not in the same level, but a week or so back I played against someone that used Gandora and used its ability three times in a row before realizing ulti-pettlephin can't be destroyed by card effects.
Dude that's the whole reason I buy the expensive cards I don't wanna read I just want to play a card and get my problems solved instantly, how? I don't care I just wanna easy wins