
7th Mini Card Box: Servant of Kings

Done and done. No need to get my 3rd panzer i guess. Btw, i'm f2p in case some nutcase tells otherwise.
Others have already said it better than me.There is no logic in a f2p that restarts a below top tier pack 6 times, to get 3 copies of every card.Speaking of this it's also odd that you managed to get 3 copies of almost every ur and Sr and no fourth copy of one.
<< Anonymous
...and why exactly would you need to reset the box 6 times to get 3 copies of each card?
Dirty hacker
<< Anonymous
thats probally true i mean like to get through one full box you would need 10k gems and to go through the box 6 time would take what around 5k-a max of 60k so he either payed or hacked
Ok, ur done, just like thousand other peoples. whats your point posting this? no life?
<< Anonymous(Zane )
your math sux
<< Anonymous
''refuse all you want. at the end of the day, i have all the cards that i need in this box. how about you?''

working and playing with kids, living.
nice, i join to squad
You guys are all judging him. Accept the fact he got everything of 3(mostly) and you ppl didnt(most of you). Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done. Done.
<< Anonymous(Zane )
I mean you are here spreading jealousy like stop hating yourself. Its possible to do. Get it done or don’t play. One leas rage quitter that I have to face in ranked duels.
... How much did you spend. And i mean real money. I could just buy real life version of these cards for under $20 and three copies of each
<< Anonymous
i stole my mom's credit card while she was working in the back yard yesterday and spent $200 lol
<< Anonymous
i stole my mom's credit card while she was working in the back yard yesterday and spent $200 lol
<< Anonymous(Zane )

worst case you have to spent 12k gems for 3 copies off all cards in a minibox. thats the nice thing with miniboxes. ther are just 2 urs and less srs and only one sr of each per box but you can get them faster and much cheaper than cards from main sets
<< Anonymous(V. IRUS)
I spent 6k gems and gotten 2 copies of all the sr and ur, seriously just plain lucky. I'm not going through third time. OP definitely is luckyy
<< Anonymous
We're pretty much on the same boat. I spent 9k for 3 pcs of UR and SR. Most people in this thread though thinks OP is a hacker/liar when it's clearly possible to do it


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