Got to KOG with my take on this deck. It is strong against harpie and 3SD, but is an underdog against relinquished and downright awful against weevil. Since those two decks are pretty common, i would say this deck deserves more of a 7 to 7.5 rating rather than a 9.5.
when you know how to play this deck you tech in anti meta cards and beat decks like weevil for example swarm of locusts effect destroyed both his burning lands and masks and he couldn't do anything about it
@Seaworth lol i actually run a gravity axe in my weevil, not random at all. equipped with panda could hit serious damage on parasite. Then when opponent is playing defensive just equip axe on the parasite so he can't flip
Agreed. I play harpies (KOG), but I can imagine that clowns get absolutely obliterated against weevil. Makes me wonder why this deck is rated 9.5, given the amount of weevils in the current meta...
@Reming The clowns can struggle with some variants of Harpies, but I had about an 80% win rate during the first qualifiers.
I did struggle mightily against harpies in the current round, so I had to make some massive changes. I like how clown decks play, so I am still testing more off-the-wall options.
Well, good luck with the finals. It's always nice seeing new decks pop up (except for Tea Burn :P ). I might make a clown deck in the future, just for fun.
I faced more than a couple of these on my climb to KOG with my statue control deck. Won every single time. One of the times I stole two clowns and his possessed dark soul with one of my own and demolished him. That's why I run my statue control with destiny draw. Easy top deck win lol
I had a run of Weevils playing Gravity Axe which made them much harder to beat. Even Swarm of Locusts did not help, but Axe did seem less common later in the qualifiers.