
KOG Worthy & Other Decklists [Mar 18]

this game is so stale right now, almost everyone plays one of four decks. and you rarely see much deviation between them, they contain the same staples, same techs and same strategy, its really boring, and I know people might say its easy to counter them because theyre all the same but that not fun, its not fun knowing exactly what your oppenent will do before they do its just dull, summon white stone, discard sage = boring, summon a merlin into medraut into borz = boring, blast spide set two back row (oh i wonder what those could be) pass turn or activate effect. I dont know what the solution is, I think realeasing new support to old archetypes might make the meta more diverse but its more likely that whales would just jump ship to the new cards and the cycle continues.
Releasing new archetypes THAT ARE ON PAR with the current top decks would be a solution. A NK fan for example wouldn't jump to another archetype if his deck can keep up with whatever new deck we get, granted NK may gain 1 bad matchup but at the same time would gain a good one.
As long as Konami keeps releasing things like (or shafted versions of) battlin boxer, wind ups, this will keep happening
I really don't know why people playing like this. At this point this game is pretty much an autoduel. Literally when play against npc and vagabond. And in ranked, we do the same exact play everytime.

After got the icon for 10x kog, and repeated boring events, the game is just dont offer much anymore.
The game only feels stale because all you are doing is Ranked.

When there are events, you let autoduel do everything instead of actually playing fun decks in the event.

So of course you feel the game is stale, you basically refused to have fun.

Meanwhile, us who also built fun decks to be used against standard duelists and events, never felt the game is stale.
<< Anonymous
That's why I feel auto duel should be only usable up to a certain point. Not just making them dumber, but flat out prevent them from being used after certain point.

It should be made only to help newbies understand how the game works. After that, the players are the duelists, they are the one who are supposed to play, not the AI.
<< Anonymous
*oops, should be "it" instead of "them" for the first paragraph, sorry for the typo.
Just play any meme decks on ranked, trolling whales is pretty fun you know
<< Anonymous
Just play 20 stall cards. And if you're about to lose, let the timer run out. It's very funny.
<< Anonymous
20? Just play 30.
<< Anonymous
Try this card using metaphys, and see the results
who else played duel links since the beginning? it was slow, but it was like the good old days of simple dueling or a reset. Now, duel links is getting closer and closer to being like the TCG. gone were the days of a seargent electro wrecking the meta. Gone are the days of the unbeatable red-eyes zombie.
<< Anonymous
And that's how it is gonna end, as a tcg/ocg simulator.

But is is not something that randomly happened, konami is stripping duel links from what it is was supposed to be to make space for the new game they are developing
<< Anonymous
What new game?
<< Anonymous
Konami's most famous and reliable leaker (has been doing it for years) said some months ago Konami started to develop a new game (one besides the rush duel one for switch) then some weeks ago he reported that they are using duel links as the engine of that new game so the new game is not as early in development as it was initially thought
<< Anonymous
So they are planning on killing duel links to make a new game?
<< Anonymous
Not killing, it will be mostly what duel links did to duel generation, once the game gets a solid base and starts running smoothly all the support, budget, media is gonna go there until duel links stops being profitable enough and they close it
<< Anonymous
I saw some about that too the most popular theory is that it is gonna be an improved permanent duel links with no dlc or any of that bs just a gacha game but in consoles with frequent patches. Wouldn't surprise if it's like that GI already showed it works
<< Anonymous
Omg so all my progress will be deleted if they decide to close thegame?
<< Anonymous
that's how mobile games are there's a reason why you often hear that about not spending money of them.
my duel generations process disappeared in a blink.
<< Anonymous
Yeah my Yang Zing and My Infernoid+Burnign Abyss deck in YDG whih I really enjoyed playin just Vanished into thin air.
<< Anonymous
Then why is everyone dumping 500dollars per month chasing meta decks when it will all be deleted soon?
<< Anonymous
Because they can. Some people have rich parents or a very goodpaying job that they can afford it. That's reality. Me, i'll just play legend of runeterra instead where skills is a bigger factor.
<< Anonymous
Thanks for replying, I'll just quit after finishing my last Kog climb. I can't stand seeing all my hard work get deleted like for example my golden kc cup icon. I grinded like 24hrs to get it and just see it deleted breaks my heart. Really thanks for the warning of this games future.


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Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
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