Almost all Hazy Flame monsters are immune to targeting, but this card needs 4 Xyz materials (so you must use the effect of Hazy Pillar at least once) to have the same protection. It's the best to summon this bad boy with Rekindling, otherwise generic traps would make your field wide-open...
Tribute paryton to summom sphinx and hydra, use sphinx's effect to dump and summon one from the grave, xyz summon it and with hydras effect you add one material from the gy.
Its a pretty long combo for a slightly stronger cocytus with removal, but them not being targetable does help it go smoothly.
Also pillar's effect can fill for times where you dont have peryton in your starting hand.
The problem is that before you put a fourth overlay unit on it with pillar, it's fully vulnerable to targeting. This happens even if you use Hydra for its Xyz as well. This little window makes all the difference in the world. It's disappointing that this big boss is so vulnerable before you can setup.
That's true, it's not. But the frequency of those 🔥ers getting God hands and going first when their deck benefits from it is very very scary. I swear like 90% of all 6sams I face go first.
^^Ok, let's say we go second, we get our dream hand, we set up this card with 5 xyz materials using pillars and hydras.
Our opponent goes second, they summon samurai destroyer, big atk verre, saber dancer, the lvl 11 blackwing or a buffed purgatrio. They then destroy this, suddenly we went -5 in card advantage.