
How to beat/farm Epic Yami Lvl 40

If you don't have something to deal with Thousand Knives or Dark Magic Attack, this card could save you. Stop crying, if you have skill and brain you can build farming deck using the cheapest card
How in the world is this card useful??? Lmao
Are you unskilled player? If Yugi activates Dark Magic Attack and you chain this card, he won't attack you this turn. Discarding isn't a problem if you run drawing cardd like Jar of Greed. Also if you play Cloudian or Unhappy Girl, use this card on your turn then let your monster swing into his monster, you'll gain LP even if you have Sanctuary or Barrier on the field. It'a a versatile card
See, how much I gain LP using Rainbow Life trick. I have Divine Punishment, but I just want to show you all that farming using cheap card is POSSIBLE
Owned count: 17 lol, yeah.
Can't believe one of the cheapest cards is actually 100% useful against him.
<< Anonymous
3 dark magicians, 1 continuous trap and 2 face down cards. JUST HOW I LIKE IT XD LOL


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