What the hell... why. Why in all hell did they seriously release this for players. What the hell were they thinking. Just a typical fusion using 3 cards and he has freaking 5000 attack and here’s the killer: FREAKING 5000 DEFENSE. It’s too easy to summon for a monster so freaking broken. What the hell.
Needs 3 cards, yeah. But
1. The Fusion Materials are a UR ritual monster from a crappy box (Chaotic Compliance) & lvl 12 Fusion Monster which requires 3 specific Fusion Materials.
2. Even if you bypass the previous problem with a Fusion Substitute for BEUD, get the substitute, BLS & Polymerization in the hand takes time.
3. This monster has no protection.
Attack and especially defense are extremely important in Yu-Gi-Oh!. I learned how to up my effects game and beat this card more often but fusions and rituals should not be underestimated. There are many cards that search and help Chaos Soldier today.