
Chaos Goddess | Decks and Ruling

Seriously, can we please STOP having this card as event reward? I have 12 copies already!!!
Lowly F2P like you complain when you only get Rare o Normal cards as rewards.

Now you get an SR and you still complain?

As expected from F2P.
<< Anonymous
Love how you instantly thought I'm F2P, when I'm not

Even whales can get bored if we keep getting the same card, you idiot.
<< Anonymous
I spent all my gems on this card until there was nothing left!
<< Anonymous
You are not a F2P?

Sorry then. Nothing wrong with you complaining in that case.

Those F2P though...
<< Anonymous
I added Chaos Goddess to my f2p Hazy Flame deck, but it didn't improve my win rate :(
<< Anonymous
You are forgiven :)
<< Anonymous
You're not me, anon. But yes, that anon is forgiven.

Also to the other anon: you can't be spending gems on this card, this is an event reward.
I am Anonymous. I have nothing else to do all day but have an online conversation with myself on a childs trading card website.
How can you complain about having too much of her?
Didn't you look at those hips?
If I had 14 cards of her in the physical format I would be chewing those.


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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