
Dark Burning Attack | Deck and Rulings

Well konami adjusted it
Note that the card you showed here has a different name than the card on this page.
Learn how to read card name next time.
Anonymous No. 2
And even though this card might seem better because it destroys all cards instead of just monsters and that it's a quick-play spell, it's activation condition is way more demanding since, if you read carefully, it says you need to be control MONSTERS (plural) who names ARE "Dark Magician" and "Dark Magician Girl", meaning - you need to have both of them on the field to use it.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Anonymous No. 2
Sorry for the bad grammar lul don't know what came over me...
its* controlling* whose*
NANI!?!!!!!!?!??!!!!! THIS IS A QUICK PLAY SPELL!?!?! BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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