
XYZ-Dragon Cannon | Deck and Rulings

Daemon Blitzkrieg
I have no idea why everyone is hating on this card. XYZ DC can basically play clean up by giving up your hand & not many decks can run it. It's also very predictable so...why the hate again?
You need to give up your hand to summon it, protect the pieces until you're able to summon it and go out of your way to put it on field for it to just die to a single Super Rush Headlong.It's awful, that's the reason people hate on it
You need to NORMAL SUMMON THREE MONSTERS on the field JUST to bring this card out. So you need 3 cards that takes time for 3 turns IF you have the selected card AND your monster isn't getting destroyed. If you use Double Summon/Roll Out, you need 4 cards or more.

That's why people hate it. It's VERY minus JUST to summon this card on the field, yet it doesn't even have protection.
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Daemon Blitzkrieg
Ya know Edgar, I'm gonna ignore you for ye is very know to pitch needless fits, thanks anyway.
And the caps Anon, there are ways around that, multiple ways given to us not only via this pack but also what we have already. And doesn't need to be a OTK or something to shake DL, just end the duel. Wait and see folks, Unions been waiting for this chance.
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
Me myself will run this card in my new Machine deck later, I think ppl hate this card coz needed the 3 material to be on the field which is kinda tricky. The eff seem fascinating tho...
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
its just a bad card
<< Anonymous(Otong)
Daemon Blitzkrieg
Maybe to a bunch of new bloods it's an impossible card to summon, but any veteran can make crazy use of this card in this format.
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
So how would you make crazy use of this card?
<< Anonymous
Y-Dragon Head and Z-Metal Tank is a union att. That means we can SS them using Frontline Base from hand or using Roll-Out from grave. And for addition they are searchable via Machina Peacekeeper, you dont need Poly for summom the fusion, and it has destroying eff. Is it sounds crazy enough for you??
<< Anonymous(Otong)
No that still sounds really bad lol. You're better off using Dark Paladin
<< Anonymous
Daemon Blitzkrieg
If you want, watch ya'll be complaining about how "OP" it is after its release, like ya always do. Don't say we didn't warn ya~
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
I don't see how a card that is hard to summon that can't protect itself is OP at all but ok bro lol. Not like it has particularly good stats either. You're the only person on the planet who thinks this card is going to be of any use, let alone OP. Don't say we didn't warn ya~ xD!!!!!!
<< Anonymous
Daemon Blitzkrieg
Keep the trolls coming, it make ya sound like you actually know what you're talking about. -_-
<< Anonymous(Daemon Blitzkrieg)
Why do you think I'm a troll lol. There's a reason why everyone else on the planet thinks this card is garbage. Frontline Base and Roll-Out don't make this card viable somehow lol
<< Anonymous
Every bad statement about this card is all empty. You guys should make explanation why you call this card garbage. Becuase it's dead to one monster removal? Lol every monster is, that's brainless statement.
Sorry Daemon Blitzkrieg, when summoning this already use up 4 cards or more, do you expect to still have 2 more cards and able to clean up your opponent with effect? Best scenario is you only have 1 card left in your hand and can only destroy 1 card your opponent controls
<< Anonymous(Otong)
That's why we have some counter card for that to not happen. All of the fusion material are low level beater tho, so you can manage to protect your field before you're able to summon the fusion. Unlike Dark Paladin, if you dont draw Poly or the fusion material, you cant protect your field
<< Anonymous(Otong)
Okay buddy, I'll explain why everyone else on the planet thinks this card is ass. The meta is very fast paced. What about this card? It's terribly slow. You'll likely already be dead before you get all the cards necessary to summon XYZ DC. Every deck is not prone to monster removal, but this one certainly is. You likely dump your entire hand for this, but it can die easily. (to be continued!)
<< Anonymous(Otong)
Decks like Red Eyes can run CV, or just revive itself multiple times, and can get itself out very quickly as well. Sacred Phoenix decks can do similar things, Toons, while inconsistent, can protect themselves from pretty much everything, Mako Hammer Shark doesn't care much since it's fast paced and doesn't bank on 1 monster to win the game, etc etc etc. Please explain how this is good in this meta
<< Anonymous
What happens if you finally manage to get XYZ Cannon out, but then immediately get Headlonged or something? Decks that base their entire game off a slow paced monster being brought out that is very prone to popular cards is never going to be remotely viable.
<< Anonymous(Otong)
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
<< Anonymous
Let see dude... Before REBD having RE Spirit you guys 🔥ing Red Eyes didnt deserve UR, but once it get his support cards, you guys overproud using it which is ironic. Just like Toons before we can get TK lol. And let see the power of this machine once the other cards (A-to-Z, A, B, C, V, W, VW, and VWXYZ) and some viable machine support cards come to DL.
<< Anonymous(Otong)
This card will be put to good use if they release the field Union Hangar. Otherwise its just too slow to slide out the card to the field.
<< Anonymous(Otong)
So the reason why you think XYZ DC is a good card in this meta is because it might get support cards at some point. Gotcha. Just like how Red Eyes was asshole 3 months ago, XYZ DC is gonna be asshole in 2 days. Cards that do not exist in DL cannot be used in DL, so their existence is irrelevant when discussing the current DL meta. Dinos are pretty OP though, they might get a support card one day!!
<< Anonymous
Yeah, Union Hangar and Union Scramble is god synergize with this archetype. Hope they will add those card in the next box after this one
<< Anonymous
I wish you piss off about this card its really good
<< Anonymous(sam )
i keep hearing about how op it is but no one will actually try to explain why they think its the best card to ever be printed lol
<< Anonymous
Coz its only the best in their mind. Its 🔥 in practice. Ma~ybe it would be better when there's better support fot it, but who knows how long it would be. Not to mention its only in realm of possibility. Be realistic


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